The Dive Otter

BWARF Buddy Check

[ Wikipedia | PADI | SDI | #AskMark ]


BWARF, or some type of model like it, is what virtually everyone was trained on and virtually nobody uses (unfortunately). It stands for:
BCD or BuoyancyDoes your buddy have their BCD setup correctly?
WeightsDoes your buddy have their weights in?
AirDo you/your buddy have their air on, do the regulators work is the PSI as expected?
ReleasesDo you know how to operate your buddies BCD and drop weight 'releases'
Final OKAre they ready to go?

Some agencies teach ABCDE for both you and/or your buddy:
AirDo you/your buddy have their air on, do the regulators work is the PSI as expected?
BCDDo you/your buddy have a working BCD inflate/deflate? Do you know how to use the various releases?
ComputerDo you/your buddy have their computer on and has it been configured correctly for the gas being dove?
Dive equipmentDo you/your buddy have all the equipment they need like fins and mask?
Enter the waterGo ahead and enter the water

So how does it work in practice?

Here's a pretty good YouTube example from SSI, essentially it goes like this:

Step 1 - Call the group together once everyone believes they are ready
Step 2 - Go to your buddy and make sure their tank is turned on
Step 3 - Buddy breathes off the primary and secondary regulators while you monitor the SPG pressure
Step 4 - You or the buddy check the inflate and deflate of their BCD
Step 5 - You verify your buddy's BCD releases are secured and you know how to operate them
Step 6 - Confirm weights are installed and inserted correctly and won't fall out
Step 7 - Signal OK
Step 8 - Switch roles and do it again for the other person