The Dive Otter

Hose Routing Options

The TDI/SDI website has the best examples I've found on the Internet and goes into much more detail than the below. I'm utilizing their animated pictures for this page. You should go check out their website for a deep dive, including standard hose lengths and how to streamline.

There are generally three types of hose setups you will find in the wild. I'm sure there are others and variations on these three. But these are the ones you will most certainly see at some point in your diving.

"Standard" Hose Configuration

  • Pro:
    • Virtually everyone knows how this works
    • Regulator does not come out of your mouth during air emergency
    • Health/ saliva swaping
  • Con:
    • It is usually not streamlined and prone to dangling
    • When was the last time the alternate/octo was used?
    • In emergency, buddy this close to you is not good [Disputed by Some]
    • In emergency, the reg in your mouth is the one they are going for [Disputed by Some]
    • Not appropriate for restricted / overhead environments

"Sorta" Long Hose Configuration

*This method is using a longer than traditional but shorter than "long hose" on the I call it "sorta" long hose. It is usually tucked into the waist belt or secured some other way under the arm so it doesn't flap about.
  • Pro:
    • Alternate is on a necklace and easy to get to
    • Since the alternate is for your use, it better damn well work and work well!!
    • In emergency, buddy is probably grabbing the one in your mouth anyway [Disputed by Some]
    • Designed to be streamlined
  • Con:
    • Not appropriate for restricted / overhead environments
    • Unlikely to find this setup on rental gear

Long Hose / HOG Loop Configuration

  • Pro:
    • Alternate is on a necklace and easy to get to
    • Since the alternate is for your use, it better damn well work and work well!!
    • In emergency, buddy is probably grabbing the one in your mouth anyway [Disputed by Some]
    • In emergency, you can keep your buddy at a distance
    • Good for restricted / overhead environments
  • Con:
    • Your insta-buddy may not be familiar with this setup
    • That is a lot of hose to manage and keep streamlined if not experienced - maybe use a Hose Stick
    • Unlikely to find this setup on rental gear

So Which One To Use?

"Standard" Configuration

  • I usually rent my gear
  • The basics are just fine

"Sorta" Long Hose

  • A bit more streamlined
  • Don't want buddy up in my grill
  • Want alternate/octo readily available

Long Hose

  • Going to go tech / cave eventually
  • My regular dive group uses this
  • I want maximum options
Pick one...just make sure your buddy knows how you intend to donate in an emergency.