The Dive Otter

Dive Log Options

A Great Option Does Not Exist

Manual Dive Log Entry Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Cloud/Backup No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Syncs /w Various Computer Brands - - Yes Only Shearwater Only Mares Family No
Beautiful UI/UX No No No No Sorta Yes
Easy To Use Sorta Sorta No No Yes Yes
Mobile Version No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Desktop Version No Yes Yes Yes No No
Web Version No No No No Sorta No
Can Merge Dives No Manual Yes No No No
Can Export Dives No Sorta (CSV) Yes Yes No No
Can Import Dives Manual Manual Yes Yes No No
Can Easily Re-Number Dives No Yes Yes Yes No No
Basic Dive Stats No Yes No No Yes No
Basic Dive Planning No Yes No No No No
Easy to Customize No Yes No No No No

Well What's a Diver to Do?

Cry. Just cry. You'll have to pick what is most important to you. Here is what I recommend:

If you have a dive computer... and use'll curse the gods for a while as the interface is just horrid, but you just need a place to save the raw dive data
If you do not have a dive computer...
...put your basic dive info in Excel (see "basic dive info" below)
If you are getting your Open Water with SSI...
...also use the SSI app until you get to Master Diver (~50 dives) and then stop using it. Not because it's a great dive's because SSI makes it damn near impossible to get your various cards and awards unless you use their app.

What Minimum Dive Data Should I Record?

The minimum set of data I would record is...
Location of DiveIt's not a log without itYou got know the dive spot I hope.
Date / Time of StartIt's not a log without it

This is why an Air Integrated Dive Computer is so helpful
Duration of Dive

used for RMV calculations
used for decision making on future dives
Size or Type of Tank
Pressure When You Went In
Pressure When You Got Out
Average Depth
Maximum DepthSome dive operators want your prior max depth
Lowest Temperature (water)

used for decision making on future dives
Exposure Suit WornWrite this down before you leave for the dive
BCD Worn
Weight UsedAdd this to wherever you wrote down the previous two items